A downloadable joke

DISCLAIMER: this game was made as a joke for april fools day, its not the real briandead, but you can still play a game i guess

BRIANDEAD is now a game, developed by Tóstawafle and Noolagaming- under the name TÓSTAWARE, as a team we dont show much talent, but by passion we made a game, this game

BRIANDEAD follows the story of an abandoned robot, Slaughter on the path for redemption

(instructions for download)

1. click on download (duh)

2. unzip the file

3. look in the files for the executable file (.exe)

4. double click on the exe and it should open the game

5. enjoy :)

(instructions for play)

use z/spacebar/enter to confirm

press x/esc to open the menu

use arrow keys to move

press fn+f4 to toggle fullscreen and fn+f5 for video options

.... .- .--. .--. -.-- / .- .--. .-. .. .-.. / ..-. --- --- .-.. ... / -.. .- -.--


brdead.zip 639 kB


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